Good helmet, I highly recommend it.
This helmet is both a skate helmet and a snow helmet, shown by the thick pads and many vents. I only wear it for skiing, and it has held up very well. After a season of use, it is still in near-perfect condition and has very few scuffs and such.
My Trace is gloss white and I love it. Solid color helmets are sick, and white is a great color because it stands out and matches with anything. The vents help keep your head cool pretty well, and they have little plugs just in case you don't want the wind whipping on your forhead. The buckle on the helmet is easy to use, which is key with gloves on. It was very lightweight, and it didn't feel any different than a wool hat, except maybe a bit looser.
On the hill I felt like a steeze-monger. You can check out my videos ( http://www.newschoolers.com/web/content/videos/hide_header/1/member_id/95967/ )to see how it looks. I wore my goggles underneath, and felt that I looked better that way. Wear the goggles underneath, and take off the little goggle strap. Trust, it looks better that way.
I payed $50 for mine, and on evogear.com its $40, albeit in an odd color and big size-
Its a great helmet for the cost: simple, stylish, and good quality.
I bought a large and it fits great, both with pads in and no hat, and with the thin liner and a hat. I like wearing it with a hat better because I feel that I stay warmer and it looks better. I'm not a fan of the earpads, but the hat I wear underneath takes care of my ears, so I don't mind that much.
I tried to baby my Trace as much as I could, but with it being white, it accumulated a couple minor scuffs over the season. As for critical condition, the helmet stayed sturdy, and is in pristine condition.
It looks cool, is solid, cheap and practical.
This product has performed really well for me. It is very solid and absorbs impacts really well. Also the goggle holder at the back is pretty flexible and doesnt snap off like on my old Giro helmet. Its pretty light but still warm and strong. I really like the ability to take off the ear pads. This is really cool on warmish spring days and can help cool you off. Also the helmet can be used like this as a BMX or skateboard helmet so its kind of a 2in1.
I think it looks pretty cool. It has the "R.E.D" on the front then the logo printed on the top back right corner.
$72 NZ , steal.
It fits really well. I got the right size.
It has held up. Appears to handle impacts really well.
I highly recomend this helmet if you're looking for something that is light weight, vented and at an affordable price.
This helmet is super light. I haven't tested the crash factor yet, hope I don't have to. It has lots of vents, the front 2 can be opened or closed easily by removing inserts/adding inside the helmet. The ear pieces are nice and padded. My head stayed at the perfect temperature. The goggle clip is set at the perfect level for you to run a goggle strap through it.
I like the skate inspired style of the helmet. The padding can be removed and this helmet can be used for skate and bmx. The hunter green is different, not too many people rock this colour. And the lime green straps and logo's make it pop. The shell's finish feels like rhyno liner or the stuff that they spray in truck beds, kinda gritty.
It fits really well with oakley a-frames, spy blizzards, and dragon Dx goggles. No goggle gap at all.
I paid $84.28 with taxes for this helmet. Faily inexpensive compared to other helmets.
I have a large head, and find most helmets in the XL sizing to be very bulky and unbalenced compared to the rest of my body. For an XL helmet it doesn't feel like an xl helmet.The padding is awsome, most helmets are not overly padded. I also a bad lt, and I find the feel and fit of this helmet more natural, it doesn't even fell like you're wearing a helmet.
I've only ridden it 4 times, aside from the minor cosmetic scratches from trasportation it is still in mint condition.