It's a very close toss up between the Lid and my Maze as to which is lighter. They are both your basic, but extremely light helmets. There is no nonsense to the Pret Lid; it is your simple helmet.
I received a size medium (55-59), which is the same size as my Maze. The Lid definitely fits on the smaller side. I have to wear a thinner beanie than I normally do. The helmet is also very low profile. It is compact and small all around. This tends to make most goggles look unproportionately huge.
The Pret Lid uses passive venting, which is open all the time. I have never felt cold while wearing it, not have I over heated. I would say their passive venting works very well.
One aspect do I like over my Maze is it sits on my head a bit better. The Maze will lift up off my head if I am going really fast ( yes my strap is nice and snug), where I have never had that issue with the Lid.
Durability: I haven't crashed in the helmet so I can't say for sure if it holds up extremely well as far as protection, but it did fall off the top of my car onto pavement with only a small scratch. I thought it was going to break but it had not been compromised.
Overall I am very impressed. It may be a little too low profile for my large goggles, but other than that I have nothing bad to say.