It handled the deep snow almost as well and the Opus and I never felt like I was having to lean back. The early rise gives a very consistent float while still maintaining a good amount of effective edge and camber to allow you to drive the skis.
In the cut up, heavy snow the Mordecai was if anything even better then the opus. The smaller size really allowed the ski to maneuver quickly yet when you hit heavier snow the ski still felt powerful.
It had great pop and again the light weight made the skis really easy to move around. On the firmer snow lower down the Mordecai was amazing. It really carves well and has a lot of power but when you want to be a bit more playful or get air borne it will allow you to get away with some mistakes. Its a forgiving, powerful ski if that can exist.
I really was extremely impressed by the Mordecai. As a wider freeride twin they are one of the best I have tried.