Got this helmet last season in an online sale without really checking my head size. Got a medium, which is what my helmet size is usually, but it was VERY small for my head. In my case, the Shiv 2 sizing runs small. However, I wore it last season, and it did save my head from a nasty fall where the back of my head hit bare ice, so even though the construction doesn't look great, it holds up well. It has pretty good ventilation, but the ear pads are trash so I just threw them out. Also, this helmet gapes BAD. None of my goggles were compatible with it, such as my go-to Oakley Canopy. The helmet was basically a straight line brim and the goggles curve, so it looked something like this: |(
All in all, it's a good helmet for protecting the noggin, but I didn't like it very much.