Stop looking at all other helmets and get this one. The foam the Giro has developed for this helmet is truely game changing. I have now hit my head multiple times, HARD in this thing and I decided I owed it to Giro to review it. I will never be buying a traditional EPS helmet again. It absorbs and cushions your head so well that falls that would leave you with a ruined helmet and a gnarly concussion or headache are literally unfelt, zero pain. I am literally blown away with how well it works. It is also a "soft shell" helmet as they call it so you can spread it out as you put it on to clear goggle straps and all that crap. I gutted mine and wear it with a face mask and goggles under and it definitely is made to be worn that way, no pressure from goggle straps or things like that.
Bottom Line: Literally the best helmet I have ever worn and bashed my skull in, compared to everything from first generation Giro 9s to Berns, all sorts of bike helmets, full face DH helmets, you name it, this is the safest and most confidence inspiring helmet I have ever strapped on and smashed into the ground!
great helmet, its comfortable and low forms to your head to maxamize better fit. internal goggle channel for taking out ears and wearing a beanie.
looks cool.
lots of pros use it.