These ski are massive to the majority and are set for heavier riders only. With this said I only weigh 150lbs and if you have strong legs and are already skilled at skiing these skis rip! Black Diamond likes having their skis mounted far back but I tossed the reccomendations and had them mounted true center. This gives unparalleled performance in the trees and turned these Cruise Liners into Helicopters. Yes they are heavy but suck it up, its just a better workout with an even better pair of planks to float on. I have taken them out on groomer days also and was stoked to find them not chattering and if you are used to buttering the whole mountain then these are awesome. I am impressed by their throw weight and balance and have been ACTUALLY LOVING THEM SPINNING 720's and 540's! Black Diamond lowered the price to $347.00 because not a lot of people could fathom skiing such a fat set of boards. Get them while they still are cheap!
Check out 2:12 in my edit to see these skis in action