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Overall this helmet is super solid. Really cheap but with a great performance. I would easily buy this helmet again, and I think you should too.
It got the job done. It's really durable and hard to crack, so I know that I will have this helmet for a long time. It's perfect for sunny day jibbing, because then your head will keep cool. It is definately not a good helmet for riding backcountry all year.
The design was great. It has the perfect classic look, with a new SXP venting system. It is also an extremely light helmet, and sometimes I forget that I am wearing a helmet at all.
One of the main reasons that I got this helmet was how cheap it was. Only 30 dollars. It looks so steezy, and you don't have to pay 100 dollars like a R.E.D. or Giro helmet. Definitely worth the money.
One thing about this helmet is, since it was designed to fit heads without beanies on, it will fit a lot tighter if you have a hot on underneath. XL fit so tight with a beanie on that I had to take off some of the padding. Although, it is an extremely comfortable helmet.
I've taken a ton of crashes and it held up extremely well. No chips, scratches, dents, cracks, or anything. If it is designed to hold up against concrete then of course it will be solid against ice and snow.