This bag can pretty much fit everything, I use it when I stay at other people's places or when getting lifts to the hill. I keep mostly everything in it just fine. It would be good for ski clubs if you know you have space to stow it.
PROS: Carries what I need: Boots, pants, gloves, goggles, helmet, food, water, socks, and extra gloves. The zippers are large and I worry more about the stitching giving out before the zips. The back panel has pretty good padding so you don't feel your buckles through it. People complain about the top handle ripping off, I haven't had that problem but I am always careful when lifting it. The bag stays fairly dry but I do wipe my boots off before putting them in. As large as it is it isn't awkward to walk around with, it feels like a normal bag when wearing it.
CONS: It's bulky. The backpack comparison doesn't do it justice, this thing is deep and takes up a lot of space. Wish the straps had better padding and had a waist strap with it, definitely not made for heavy long walks. If I had an extra large head I would worry about it holding my helmet (I wear a medium), I imagine it would fit but there would be stress on the bag.
TL;DR: It's a good travel pack that would benefit from a waist strap. I'd only get this bag for travel as it is too large for anything else.