This helmet is great! Very comfortable because of it's lightweight and streamlined design. It looks pretty dope, too. It does get dents in it, but I haven't experienced any other damage. This does seem to only fit certain head shapes, so try it on before you buy it.
Ratings:This helmet can be summed up by one word: Slick
you'll hard pressed to find a nicer,smoother or sleeker matte black helmet anywhere. These helmet is durable and is still in mighty good condition given the number of tumbles I've taken.
Extremely Light
Looks hotter then a polar bear in the sahara
fits well with most any goggle.
Nice and thin design also allows for a fair bit of airflow keeping you cool on the glacier or just hiking a shitty rail.
Helmet strap is really finnicky and can randomly loosen and cause quite a bit of caffufle when your trying to drop into a jump.
Padding is also quite thin and although this hasn't caused any trouble for me, it does make me doubt it's ability to take a serious collision vs more thicker padded helmets such as some of the POCs or Pro-tecs i've seen and used.
The lightest certified helmet on markets, but I wouldn't buy it for second time. Yes it looks awesome and it's minimalistic low profile is so clean, but it's plastic shell is like paper thin an interior isn't much thicker either. But it weights so little that noticing it is almost like you only have a beanie on, which it almost is. First time I crashed this on my head a small dip appeared, next time I hit my head a bit harder on icy landing (didn't got concussion or anything) this helmet totally broke up. My friends are crashing like that all the time and their helmets are just fine. I know that if your helmet gets impact, it should be replaced, but nobody got money for that! So please smith make another model from maze that is heavier, but more durable and safe.
Ratings:Lightest, best fitting and most durable helmet on the market. Wear a helmet, ya hooligans!