Overall this is a great helmet for someone who wants a lot of features such as a visor, an easy open - easy close vent system, and an adjustable fit system. I give it a 9 out of 10 due to the minor G10 MX to Oakley Crowbar interface issue. Definitely would recommend this helmet to any skier.
The G10 MX performs just as a helmet should. It’s very lightweight but very protective and very durable. The helmet is very warm on colder days. The visor serves too purposes, it keeps pesky branches out of your face and goggles when skiing the trees and it also helps keep the early morning and afternoon sun out of your eyes. The vent system is amazing. With just the flick of one switch you can open or close the helmets 14 vents. I've always been comfortable in my helmet. On colder days I can easily close the vents up and on warmer days I open them up to quickly dump heat. The adjustable fit system works great, it really lets you dial in the perfect fit. The chinstrap has a bit of fleece on it, which keeps it feeling comfy. I took a bad fall to my head this year and this helmet kept me nice and safe.
I like the look of this helmet. I like the sharp lines and visor. While it may not be in line with the current park trends, I think it looks great. The styling is perfect for the skier who wants to spend their time in the trees and skiing natural terrain. Perhaps it’s more of a function vs fashion issue. I love the visor and how it keeps branches out of your face and then sun out of your eyes. I also like how easy it is to open and close the vents depending on how warm or cold it is. The only thing that is slightly annoying is the visor. It makes it impossible to put your goggles up when you are on the lift. What I do to get around that is just put them down around my neck when I want them off my eyes. Takes a little getting used to, but it's not too bad.
The helmet retails for $140, which is a little on the pricey side, but not out of line with competitors. I got mine for $100 on sale. It shouldn't be a problem getting this helmet for less than $140. When I went to get a picture for this review I noticed that it was on sale for $89.93 at REI, which is a great value.
Like many ski helmets on the market today, the G10 MX has an adjustable fit. Near the back of the helmet on the inside is a dial. Using this dial can make the helmet tighter or looser. This allows for a custom fit within a given helmet size and allows for haircuts, beanies, goggles on the inside, etc. It fits my head perfectly. I do get an ever so slight gap between the G10 MX and my Oakley Crowbars however. I'm guessing a pair of Giro goggles would mesh perfectly though.
Durability has been great so far, it’s resistant to scratches. It isn't a multiple impact helmet though, so if you take a bad fall to the helmet, you should replace it asap.