Simply put, no one skis like the Liberty team. Innovation, dedication and raw
creation made these guys a group that I wanted to be a part of and after
recieving my first pair of 176 laroses and running them through every
possible type of snow condition out here in early season Whistler, such
as, rain, raw boiler plate ice pack, 45+ cms of fresh, hotlaps and chuffy sloppy sluff I
can safely say that these things handle all around. Unbelievably lightweight
and buttery tails keep the park rat and the fraggle rock dropping tree runner
happy and the smooth side cut and easy to find swing weight make the
jumper the bumper and the corderoy lover stoked! I will be getting a pair
of award winning helix's for SURE to deal with the Powder Mountain spring
booter sessions and mini golf pillow lines... 182 sounds about right! Pick
a pair of these up guys, you wont regret anything Liberty is nice enough
to release.