Even with a few flaws (the earflaps can only be removed/put back so many times before the break) this helmet is amazing. It's stylish and comfy and safe, what more could you want?
It performs great. It's light and comfy, yet you feel safe to be wearing it, even though you don't even feel it on your head!
Best. Helmet. Design. Ever.
At about $120-$150 (depending on where you get it) the price is steep, I think it's worth that price. The minute you put it on your head you can't go back to the brick you had before!
The fit is amazing! It's a million times more comfortable than my previous helmet. If you get the right size (I recomend trying it on before you buy) it fits like a glove, with no extra helmet that you don't need, to cut down on weight.
I havn't used it enough to fully say, but I've had some wipeouts with it and it performed fine.
This helmet is really great overall. I would definatly recommend it to anyone looking for a good helmet.
i'm not sure how well a helmet can "perform" but i guess it was pretty good overall.
I loved the look of this helmet as well as the feel. It was really low profile and as i said before the fur padding was awesome.
The $135 that i payed for it was kinda high but the helmet was great so i would say it was pretty much worth it. Especially because it came with a salomon beanie and a sick bag.
This helmet fit great and the fur padding on the chinstrap and the ear covers was soo comfortable.
Overall it held up perfectly, some scuffs on the outside, but nothing aside from that.
Really nice helmet. Looks great with Oakley A-Frames and keeps you warm and protected.
The shell of the helmet is amazing. I was on a ski trip and kept the helmet in a waterproof travel bag. Well i got to the cabin i was staying at, and without knowing placed the bag on the downstairs heater. Well i came back half an hour later and a big chunk of plastic from my bag had been melted onto the helmet. I skied with it for a while, but came to the conclusion that a big hunk of blue plastic molded onto your helmet wasn't cool. I ended up picking it off with a steak knife, and my helmet didn't get a single scratch in the process. It's really quality stuff, and you can take marks off it without compromising its color or performance.
The patrol emblem on the side is great stuff, and wont ever peel off of scratch on you unless you put it through absolute hell. I've smacked my head on hard pack and trees while wearing this helmet, and it held up really well.
Overall it performed great.
This is the Ferrari of helmets. When you put your hands on it you can just sense its uniqueness and quality. The inside liner can be removed and washed, and to this day is silky smooth. The ear protectors are removable, for spring skiing and washing purposes. However, if you snap them in and out of the foam shell they fit into too many times, they get worn out. So just don't remove them if you don't have to.
The Patrol Emblem is sick, and the helmets design just plain old flows. Everything looks nice and the colors compliment each other.
It was pricey, but worth it for me. I wasn't loving the style of many other helmets i'd seen so decided to go with this. If you're not hellbent on getting a Salomon beanie, theres always the Green Partol Helmet. Which is the same as the Partol Ace but doesn't come with a beanie, and is green.
Decide for yourself how much you're willing to spend, and go check this helmet out.
I found they fit rather small, i don't have a ridiculously big head but ended up going with the XL. Something else i noticed about the fit was that the helmet came with a removable inner liner, fastened with velcro. When you wear a beanie or hood underneath the helmet, the liner is almost certain to come off and cause uneven and uncomfortable spots on your head. My point being, you either wear the liner with nothing else on your head, or remove the liner and wear a beanie.
Overall it fit quite nicely, but take into consideration the above.
(Explained in Performance)