Latest Videos by tschums

snr yr

by tschums
Jul 2020 - 976 views

went back home, got bored, put clips together
Mostly at bush, probably last season skiing a lot of park

Top Rated Videos by tschums

UVM Freestyle Skiing House // 2017-2018

by tschums
Jan 2017 - 3.3K views

The UVM Freestyle Ski House is a Living & Learning suite designed for freestyle skiers of all skill levels, whether it be just starting to learn or continuing an already existing career at a professional level. The Freestyle Ski House will be a safe and healthy living environment for all members to achieve their goals and work together, on and off of the mountain. We plan to build off of the current ski house program, and improve on what we feel like did not work this year. We ensure that all members will remain motivated throughout the term in educational and recreational aspects, all while meeting great friends and having fun. Members in the suite will learn a wide range of skills related to freestyle skiing, including ski maintenance off of the hill, tricks and techniques on the hill, and how to prevent injury during the off season. We will discuss and learn about the ever growing ski culture and community. One night per week, we will hold house movie nights where we sit in the common room and watch some of the countless ski media that has been produced in the last 15 or so years. These movie nights will promote suite bonding, as we can all appreciate the videos together, and create a happy and healthy living environment where each member gets along, as well as inspiring our own skiing. The movie nights will get each member excited and ready for the season. An important part of our house is that we will have organized days where we all ski together, and motivate one another to be the best that we can be. The house will be a welcoming environment for members and non members, and we will create events on campus to promote and spread ski culture. We will do this by coordinating with university sponsored organizations like the UVM Freestyle Skiing Team and the UVM Ski & Snowboard Club. Overall, the Freestyle Ski House is all about motivating suitemates, increasing our abilities on the hill and off of it, being safe, and having fun.

snr yr

by tschums
Jul 2020 - 976 views

went back home, got bored, put clips together
Mostly at bush, probably last season skiing a lot of park