
User Playlists

Janky @ Boreal - Dirty Thirties

by JANKYfilms
Jun 2021 - 696 views

You might think to yourself "They've really matured in their thirties," or "At least they'll be smarter about the decisions they make while skiing," but you'd be wrong. After almost 15 years of skiing together, we still can't help ourselves. When the weather is good and the vibe is right, we just want to do what we've always done - have fun and push each other on the hill.

Boreal had a great spring park going by the time April 2021 rolled around, and the Janky crew set about making questionable skiing decisions and generally not acting their age. Featuring the riding of Nate Calabro, Sam Barstow, Keenan Hawkins, Hazen Woolson, Nicky B, Garrett Russell, and Andy Hayes.

"Dream In Color" by Franc Moody

Thank you Grant Wiltshire for filming! With a broken hand!!!

first cork attempt

by zacgcb
Jul 2021 - 363 views

as requested here is my first attempt at a cork 7 before stomping it yesterday, thought i’d share for your entertainment. This has also deepened my love for helmets as i properly cracked mine as a result of this and i’m just glad it’s not my skull