Latest Videos by skiminker


by skiminker
Feb 2017 - 2.4K views

Well here's a midseason edit. I changed my style and now don't look dumb. Don't try to be a style you aren't. Thanks to Harrman for filming and anyone else too! Heal up Connor, better see you out there next year. Shoutout to Xevo Optics for da sick goggles too! Check em out!

SkiMinker 2k15-2k16 Self Edit

by skiminker
Apr 2016 - 364 views

This year was sick! All the homies and everyone I met this made this season so fun! Finally Tried new flips but didn't get much film on jumps... Thanks to everyone that made this year real!

Top Rated Videos by skiminker

SkiMinker 2k15-2k16 Self Edit

by skiminker
Apr 2016 - 364 views

This year was sick! All the homies and everyone I met this made this season so fun! Finally Tried new flips but didn't get much film on jumps... Thanks to everyone that made this year real!


by skiminker
Feb 2017 - 2.4K views

Well here's a midseason edit. I changed my style and now don't look dumb. Don't try to be a style you aren't. Thanks to Harrman for filming and anyone else too! Heal up Connor, better see you out there next year. Shoutout to Xevo Optics for da sick goggles too! Check em out!