Latest Videos by skiboard_god

Edelweiss Park SnoPRK 2015 Run Through

by skiboard_god
Jan 2015 - 1K views

Took a clean run through the Rockstar SnoPRK at Edelweiss Ski Resort and thought I would share it so you can see how awesomethe park is so far. I have been getting a seasons pass there for 7 years or so now and they always have the best park in the area.Not bad for mid Jan and I am sure they have a lot more planned. I hope you like the video, We had fun making it! More Great Video at

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First Dry Ramp Jump/Crash Epic Fail

by skiboard_god
Dec 2013 - 1.2K views

This is a repost from a long time ago. But def one of the hardest hits I have taken. Saw Double for 3 days and then did 40ish days of shows in the next few years on ramps like this. This is back in 2003ish. Thanks James Hillier for taking this video!