Latest Videos by sammuss1

Boot Sliding

by sammuss1
Jan 2014 - 804 views

Me and my gay ass friend in the video got tired of trying to make our shitty backyard setup work, so we did this instead...

First Backflip

by sammuss1
Jan 2014 - 842 views

Sorry about the shitty video, It was my first try and i didnt know they were recording, but i like my friends reactions.

Top Rated Videos by sammuss1

First Backflip

by sammuss1
Jan 2014 - 842 views

Sorry about the shitty video, It was my first try and i didnt know they were recording, but i like my friends reactions.

Boot Sliding

by sammuss1
Jan 2014 - 804 views

Me and my gay ass friend in the video got tired of trying to make our shitty backyard setup work, so we did this instead...