Latest Videos by pmb

Backyard setup without much snow

by pmb
Feb 2019 - 110 views

Anyone have any suggestions for raising my 4” PVC off the ground. I can do a front 270 out (not on this setup) but want to learn a backside 270 out. My problem is there isn’t enough time once I get off the PVC’s to learn spins off. Any suggestions on raising it?

Top Rated Videos by pmb

Backyard setup without much snow

by pmb
Feb 2019 - 110 views

Anyone have any suggestions for raising my 4” PVC off the ground. I can do a front 270 out (not on this setup) but want to learn a backside 270 out. My problem is there isn’t enough time once I get off the PVC’s to learn spins off. Any suggestions on raising it?