Buy/Sell/Trade Posts

Buying: Looking for a pivot brake 95-115mm

By mat_espo

Bozeman, Montana, United States
Last updated - $40

Looking for a brake for my old p18s trying to mount my new skis and not lose one! Been chasing a ski the last couple years it’s getting old. I will trade beer of your choosing, the 188 al dentes the...

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Buying: Someone pls sell me their 188 al dentes

By mat_espo

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Posted - $1

these are my favourite skis ive had 3 pairs and im about to break my current pair pls help :(((((( skis way too expensive why are these a consumable product gosh capitalism sux

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Buying: CAST setup

By mat_espo

Winfield, British Columbia, Canada
Posted - $1

If someone is shifting their skiing to more pure backcountry sell me your cast setup!! Just got a sweet deal on some candide 3.0s today need some bindings