The Boolers Ball || HoodCrew Summer '15 Teaser
When the bunk police showed up at the warehouse and confiscated the last of our fake mollywops, we thought that we were for sure going to have to cancel The Boolers Ball this season. Fortunately, our new friend Rilakkuma traveled in from China to lend a helping hand (paw) and keep us from making any abrupt decisions. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Rila, he is the bear of peace and relaxation that spends most of his time jamming out to deep house music when he's not helping Olympic caliber athletes/ washed up beach lurkers find their inner Zen. Rilakkuma has become an integral part of our loose crew even though all the Asian teeenybops have known about this soft and furless companion for a while.
Now we're sure your grandparents and relatives are asking: What are the kids' up to in 2015? And WTF is The Boolers Ball?
Since glasses prescriptions start to expire and reading often gets harder when you get older, we decided that it'd make the most sense to answer these questions in the form of an exhilarating home movie. From this point on; however, we recommend that you and your loved ones download Snapchat to see ongoing live updates from @TheBoolersBall instead of having to wait 'till the end of the year for a season recap (Snapchat: @TheHoodCrew69). The next time Aunt Maureen asks how you spend your weekends, just tell lil' mama to add you on snapchat along with (@youngwabs, scrappyj, sailhatan, hudsonknoll, sydneymaler, stevestepp, wakaflockaveli, kingbach, xdannyxbrownx, vicsavemoney badgalriri).
The Boolers Ball is a fictional place that only exists in your subconscious similar to lala-land. You have lived it out in spiritual dreams and have been there during your highest moments in real life too. It is a state of Nirvana that often gets compromised by one's ego and desire. As a professional booler, it is important to maintain a certain level of self-respect and not be overcome by pride thinking you're some sort of celebrity resulting in self-destructive lifestyle choices to uphold your inflated self-perception. It is hard to get kicked out of The Boolers Ball when you are one of the founders but our evil ways will inevitably catch up to us so change them while you're ahead. Slow your roll and satisfy the soul!