

by dweezileast
Jul 6th 2007 - 6 comments

So after a six month hiatus, I return to you. To say that a lot has happened between then and now is a fairly accurate statement. When I began writing blogs for newschoolers, I vowed to try to keep up

my vision

by dweezileast
Dec 4th 2006 - 25 comments

How a freak gas cloud took me for the ride of my life.

I am a sanitary technician, or a dishwasher, if you want to be a dick about it. I work at a well known resturant in the town that I live in. T


by dweezileast
Nov 12th 2006 - 15 comments

This is a somewhat more serious blog. Here is my college essay, for the common application, which I have recently submitted;

Throughout my life, I have always wondered what I would do in time of cr

My cat killed my homework

by dweezileast
Nov 6th 2006 - 38 comments

I am no longer able to click my mouse.
And no, that is not a joke about erectile disfunction. My mouse got rid of its convenient clicking feature today, at about 5:27 pm, in favor for the much less

ARMADA's skis

by dweezileast
Nov 3rd 2006 - 35 comments

1 sharpie, 1 pot of coffee, 3 catnaps, 2.5 ping pong games, and 2 viewings of long story short later, i have finished.

there w