Latest Videos by crimeenthusiast

The Revival

by crimeenthusiast
Feb 2018 - 830 views

BONESQUAD "The Revival" RIP DJ Screw Andrew Aronson Smoked this now he's fucked up Duh boys crusin' for a brusin' up at Brighton BONESQUAD…

Top Rated Videos by crimeenthusiast

After Dusk

by crimeenthusiast
Sep 2015 - 3.6K views

Growing up in the midwest is amazing. Sure we don't have those gnarly pow days or steeps that make your stomach drop, but what we do have is time. Here in the midwest we have more time with the lifts running (when we have snow) and quicker laps (rope tows) than anywhere else in the states. However all of this extra time is after dusk. Night skiing is where we thrive. Icy landings, hard snow, and the cover of darkness brings a whole new meaning to don't fall. If you do, might as well slam onto some concrete, it?ll feel the same, but that's the life of the night rider.


by crimeenthusiast
Aug 2015 - 3.1K views

3 weeks at woodward at copper and by far some of the best times of my life. Meet a ton of awesome people and made a lot of new friends!