Latest Videos by chaceshredder

Chace Schroeder - 2020/2021

by chaceshredder
Nov 2021 - 322 views

I was able to finally get some filming done this past season and loved every minute of it. @the_service_men stacked up quite a few shots so here's my little cut of what we got up to. Definitely more to come this season and absolutely can't wait to get back out there!

Top Rated Videos by chaceshredder

Chace Schroeder - 2020/2021

by chaceshredder
Nov 2021 - 322 views

I was able to finally get some filming done this past season and loved every minute of it. @the_service_men stacked up quite a few shots so here's my little cut of what we got up to. Definitely more to come this season and absolutely can't wait to get back out there!