Latest Videos by baaangthat

April 2009 - August 2010

by baaangthat
Sep 2011 - 1.7K views

Havent skied in about 56 weeks now due to a hurt knee and stuff....heres some stuff from spring09-summer10 i had lying around that i put together to help get me stoked for some trips in the next few months. thanks collin, haze, jp and michelle for some of the footage

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Janky Films: Novemeber in CO

by baaangthat
Nov 2009 - 8.9K views

We had a wonderful month of November here in Colorado. It included visits from the Child Gypsy and company in the middle of the month followed by a 1 day Saturday at Keystone shredathon with Mindala, Scotty K and some OH bros after they drove 22 hours thursday night and friday during the day. Hope you enjoy the edit, keep it Janky, bros.