Buy/Sell/Trade Posts

Selling: 194 Ninthward RDS w/ Attack 16 bindings

By Way*Mo

Houghton, Michigan, United States
Last updated - $199 or best offer

Skis located in SLC Utah. Huge ski for big days. 194 Ninthward RDS powder skis. 118mm underfoot. Mounted with Tyrolia Attack 16s for a 293 BSL. Ridden a handful of spring days. Bases and edges ar...

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Buying: ISO: Pivot/FKS Heel pieces

By Way*Mo

Houghton, Michigan, United States
Posted - $1 - $100

In search of Pivot/FKS heel pieces. DIN 14-18 acceptable. I really only need the Spring Housing portion, so if somebody looking for the base plate/brake assembly has a lead and wants to split that wou...