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So I was walking around one day, and this guy was like Woah, don't go there girlfriend! And i was like No kidding Mr.Swanky. And then he was like I've got a knife. And i was like Your mom is a knife! And that was the day I lent him my kidney...I never got it back...I wonder what he'd do with it anyways...Maybe invoke some kind of fairie princess..better yet, pants fairies. I had one once, but I forgot to feed it and it died. That was a sad day. Not as sad as when I was invaded by Germany...Ya, that really sucked. Ah well, that's what you get for having a name like Poland. That Hitler seemed like a nice guy, I wonder what happened to him...Einstein wasn't that smart. if he was so smart, then how come he's dead? Oh crap. I forgot to take this stupid black hole out of my pocket. I hate it whe........ Spoon

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