Season 4 Ep. 3: Steve dives into what this whole series has been for. Full episode dropping Saturday, June 4th at 8am MT.
Steve dedicates his final Trollin episode to the industry that he lived and worked in for 15+ years. This film documents not only his life. but the corruption, greed and exploitive tendencies of the ski industry. The truth is here.
Primary video: Alex Curry (
As Utah resorts began to close we gathered up the crew and put together our final episode of the season. Look out for some new SagaFam dropping hammers in this one.
Film & Edit: 4bi9 Media (
Music: Paco and The G Train Bandit - "Bang" (
Elbe Kim - "Stampede" (
Steve Stepp attempts to host the next episode of 'The Hungry Crew,' but fails, proving once again that he's an incompetent amateur. Lucky everyone else's skiing makes up for it.
Featuring: Steve Stepp, John Kutcher, Mitchell Brower, Jake Doan, Nicky Keefer, Andy partridge and Dylan Sondrup.
Film & Edit: 4bi9 Media (
Music: Elbe Kim and Justo - ?Saboteur?// ?The Fire? (