Latest Videos by S.C

Ski The Jewels

by S.C
Feb 2015 - 1.6K views

Ski The Jewels is 100% real time skiing and 0% bullshit. Shot mostly in Switzerland with a handful of shots from Colorado thrown in.


by S.C
Jan 2013 - 94 views

An experimental short with some left over footage from a day of shooting with Spriggs and Cody. Enjoy!

Summer 2012 Timelapse Reel

by S.C
Nov 2012 - 965 views

Last summer, I had the chance to travel all over the world, and took advantage of the opportunity and shot as many timelapses as I could in these unique destinations. This is a collection of my favorite ones.

Top Rated Videos by S.C

Ski The Jewels

by S.C
Feb 2015 - 1.6K views

Ski The Jewels is 100% real time skiing and 0% bullshit. Shot mostly in Switzerland with a handful of shots from Colorado thrown in.

Summer 2011 Timelapse Reel

by S.C
Aug 2011 - 2.1K views

Over the course of the summer of 2011, I traveled thousands of miles by car, plane, bike, and foot to create the most spectacular time-lapses I could. Tens of thousands of photographs were taken to create this final product. These are some of my favorite time-lapses that I shot, but only account for around a quarter of the time-lapses I shot over the course of the summer. Please enjoy the end product that I have created through countless hours of work. Thanks for watching!

Shot and Edited By Stephan Chaikovsky

Shot on Location in: Eagle's Nest Wilderness, CO; Holy Cross Wilderness, CO; Denver, CO; Vermont; New Hampshire; Boston, MA; Bermuda; and other locations throughout North America.

Shot with:
Canon 600d, Canon 70-200 f4L, Tamron 17-50 f2.8, Pentax SMC 50mm f2

Edited on:
Final Cut Pro X

Smoke and Mirrors by RJD2