
Top 10 Things to Do Before Moving To a Ski Town

by Rachy
Oct 29th 2014 - 1 comments

So, you’re getting ready to move to a mountain town. You have your job lined up and you have saved a few thousand to make sure you get setup well when you get there. There are a few things you can do to make your transition easier.

Sochi: Why Am I Still Here?

by Rachy
Feb 28th 2014 - 6 comments

The Olympics ended days ago. I'm at the airport and overly excited about the upcoming opportunity to eat airplane food. Sochi -> Istanbul -> Frankfurt -> New York -> Los Angeles -> Mammoth.

Sochi: Better by the Day

by Rachy
Feb 3rd 2014 - 29 comments

Only a few days away from the Olympics and I'm finally seeing some excitement. Sochi is still under construction and I still have nothing to do at work.

From Russia with Love

by Rachy
Jan 24th 2014 - 5 comments

I'm aware there are many experiences going around in regards to experiences being had thus far in Sochi. I'm staying positive and accepting payment in meat loaf and synthetic long underwear.

Mammoth part 4.

by Rachy
Nov 18th 2011 - 0 comments

New season and back to the same old thing. Fortunately the same old thing happens to be Mammoth. Copper, thanks for the job, I loved it, but Summit County just wasn't for me.

Sierra Cement Myth

by Rachy
Mar 24th 2011 - 8 comments

Since I've been in Colorado, I've heard nothing but negative comments about sierra cement from people that have never actually skied the Sierras. It is horribly annoying and an opinion formatted by Colorado ski resorts many, many years ago. Hopefully some of what I wrote finds its way into these people's hands.

Product of the Industry

by Rachy
Nov 8th 2010 - 0 comments

Sometimes the going gets rough... Less than 3 months ago I was living in Downtown LA in an amazing loft working 9 - 5 and making more cash than I knew what to do with. Then I got laid off. Moved to my Dad's couch for a month in Minneapolis and in just over a month I landed what I have come to realize as a dream job.

This is now my bedroom window.

ASR 2010

by Rachy
Aug 20th 2010 - 0 comments

I was supposed to work ASR (action sports retailers convention) for Malakye this year. I was all excited to help out with Shmoozapoloza and work the Office Boyz Competition, then they struck me down and said, "Rachel, we have it covered. Go play!" Or something similar to that. And Play I did!

Action Sports Conference 2010

by Rachy
Aug 7th 2010 - 1 comments

I made it to the second annual Action Sports Conference the other day, another Group /Fuel TV event that was entirely successful with a sold out crowd. The event was in Huntington Beach down the street from the US Surf Open and timed perfectly with the Surf Open, X Games, Maloof Money Cup, Agenda trade-show and ASR trade-show all occurring with in a 2 week span.
I went there by myself not really knowing what to anticipate. Found it easily, valeted my dirt encrusted Subaru and joined a business conference full of Vans wearing business entrapenures. Wether they founded a skate company, or were the first to do a 900 in competition, they were all entepenures in some way. It was an honor to be in such a respected but passionate audience.
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Busy Busy Busy.

by Rachy
Apr 29th 2010 - 2 comments

I'm at a loss for words. I figured I could write something here, and then I realized that I have far too much to say. So in regards to this, I will post delightful photos of the events which have occurred the last 2 weeks.
I ended up getting this really amazing internship with, this is the incredibly scary overpass I now get to use 8 times a week. Hopefully there are no earthquakes while I am going over this one.

I went to the 30 years of Bad Religion concert at the House of Blues in Hollywood. It was an amazing time and they played for over an hour and a half. The 3 page set list was amazing.

Another trip to Mammoth. Wondering how much snow is still there? Have a look at the parking lot. Yet it just keeps snowing more and more.
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When I was 8.

by Rachy
Mar 5th 2010 - 5 comments

My mom sent this to me today. Apparently I drew this. I was probably around 8 considering my amazing artistic ability. Who knew it would become a life long obsession?

Time to Breath Again

by Rachy
Feb 25th 2010 - 0 comments

I feel like I have done so much and yet so little in the last month. I have been far too entertained to spend any significant period of time on the computer. Maybe 5 hours total last month. I suppose that is a good thing. It means I have spent less time in the mundane world of status updates and internet drama.
Instead, I did my first backcountry skiing, spent 2 days demoing 10/11 skis, booked my New York adventure, am making plans to hit up Chamonix in April and have worked countless hours at the shop.
I feel like I should go into depth about how much fun it was having no idea what I was doing skiing/falling down the back side of Mammoth, or how much I love Stokli's new Stormrider for women, but I much rather just let you know that there are 2 feet of fresh snow here, I get to ski all day tomorrow with blue skis and fresh snow, and that my creative abilities have returned.
Maybe i'll write something else later.

Knee Deep on the Salomon Shogun

by Rachy
Jan 21st 2010 - 0 comments

I went skiing today. It's been a while due to the pneumonia situation. It was nice but difficult to breath... But hey, I survived right? It was actually pretty fantastic. I only made it about two hours before my lungs began to protest -- a great two hours.
Anyway, I took out the Salomon Showgun today in a 164. Really fun ski, wish I had had more time with it. I was just amazed how well it handled the groomed runs. A few of the rocker skis I have taken out have been less than stable when entering the "slow" zones. I will say I think I still prefer the Phat Luv on less steep terrain. I noticed myself sinking a little more than I would have liked. It could have been the snow conditions; over 4 feet of fresh heavy snow. On the steeper terrain they were fantastic, had I been up for it I would have loved to try some spins, but my body wasn't feeling it.
I would definitely like to give these skis another shot when my lungs are more capable. We are supposed to have a break in snow and then more monday - wednesday. Maybe next thursday will be the day and I can give them a proper review.
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by Rachy
Jan 19th 2010 - 0 comments

So the storm is here. Over 2 feet so far with around 8 more to come. Makes for an interesting time.
Anyway, may not have another update for a while. My computer is down for the second time in 3 months. I'm really hoping my warranty is still good if I call tomorrow to get it fixed next week when the warranty is up friday...?
Aside from that, I had the flu/sinus infection/pneumonia this week. That sucked. Still recovering from that.
Still waiting to find out if my car will be ready friday or not.
So basically what I'm saying here is that my car is broke, computer is broke, and my body is broke.
Now I'm thinking about moving back down to LA for the rest of the season and becoming a dreaded weekend warrior provided I can get everything back in order before the season is over.
So, if you need any website work completed after next monday, let me know. Business is hard when your computer breaks in the middle of a snow storm.

Roof Sheds Snow

by Rachy
Jan 12th 2010 - 0 comments

A Month since my last update? Really? Probably cause they want to charge me $90 a month for high speed internet. I know, I know, I'm a's a business expense... but I'm recently $500 short thanks to old man winter.
How can I blame winter for this? Well, let me explain.
It is exactly 1 month until my lease on my Subaru is over. I made my last payment today. My last insurance payment went through on friday. Of course I had been planning on buying my car, but it now seems unlikely. You see, I parked my car thursday night in front of my building. There is only one area to park, so no I could not have parked it anywhere else.
I was bringing in my groceries when I heard a lovely, "CRASH" followed by my car alarm blaring. I looked out the window of my apartment and saw some snow had fallen off the roof of the building. I blew it off. 20 minutes later I was leaving to return some movies, walk up to my car and the feeling of exasperation took over. My entire windshield had been shattered but not caved in, leaving my rear view mirror hanging about 4 inches from my steering wheel.
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Mammoth Women Invasion 09/10

by Rachy
Dec 3rd 2009 - 6 comments

Living in LA, all my Minnesota friends like to ask if I've met Paris Hilton and the likes (for the record, I have) and I always think its funny. It really is no big deal, they are people too. But.... I have gone into total "FAN" mode this week.
Pro Skiers > Movie Stars.
Warning: Name dropping and Claim about to happen.
This week started out with having dinner with Molly and Tyler Aguirre and friends at the Chart House. Yes, she is a pro snowboarder, but still completely amazing and nice and sweet and kills it in the park and everywhere else.
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