
So It Begins

by Quinny
Oct 24th 2007 - 0 comments

Tonight is the night when the 2007 World Series begins. If you were to tell me 6 months ago that the Rockies would be representing the National League, I wouldn't have believed you.

The Rant Archive: Part Deux

by Quinny
Sep 19th 2007 - 2 comments

So yeah, I said I would do this semi monthly...I guess it more like semi-annual at this point. Anyway, I have a couple of relatively short-winded rants that I wrote a really long time ago. But, perhaps tragically, they never made it into their own threads. Enjoy...or fume, I don't really care.

Holy shit, I actually logged in!

by Quinny
Jul 6th 2006 - 1 comments

Well, it's been a long ass time since I last logged in o'l NS. Some people might be wondering where the hell I've been...or probably not because I usually only make a few candid appearances anyway, thus making my absence somewhat less noticeable.

Pen Pals?

by Quinny
May 8th 2006 - 1 comments

So apparently the Iranian president has sent Bush an 18 page letter. No, I'm not joking. It's a rather odd political tactic. I can just see how this whole thing was planned out. I have determined that this must have been how it came about and what the letter says:

Quinny's Rant Archive

by Quinny
Apr 7th 2006 - 1 comments

For those of you that like my rants, I decided to do you a favor. Every month or so I will re-post an old rant in this blog and link to the original thread that I created. Why is this important? First, you don't have to dig though the forums if you want to read or re-read my stuff. Second, It makes me the center of attention which I think is awesome. Third, to hell with it, thats all I got.

Pyrenean Ibex? Screw that!

by Quinny
Apr 4th 2006 - 1 comments

So I was randomly browsing Wikipedia one day. I was in one of those sort of moods where you just search random things and then keep clicking links...before you know it, you are eventually on a completely different and non-related topic. Its really fucking weird where you can end up. I started with "Walt Disney" and I ended up on "list of extinct animals of Europe."

(yes, there is a point to this)

It's Raining Again

by Quinny
Mar 28th 2006 - 0 comments

It's been a while, but it started to rain in Durango last night. I like the rain. It was a pleasant greeting to wake up to an open window with the sound of the rain on the pavement, and the cool sweet smell of the humid ozone.


by Quinny
Mar 24th 2006 - 1 comments

I'm going to debunk a myth.

Yesterday logged on NS and uploaded this picture (vintage St. Patrick's Day).

I got some replies (much faster than I expected). Most were about my amazingly sexy and overall stunningly gorgeous face. Others were about the beer I was proudly grasping in my graceful and majestic left hand.


by Quinny
Mar 17th 2006 - 5 comments

The recent drug thread in NSG brought this on. I feel its worth sharing with you.


by Quinny
Mar 15th 2006 - 2 comments

There are two things here that are ironic. First, that I'm actually bloging. Second is the actual meat of this post. It's both awful and rewarding at the same time...sorta like being a masochist.