Latest Videos by OHoblitzelle

Get Rich Quick Scheme (by Oliver Hoblitzelle)

by OHoblitzelle
Mar 2024 - 3K views

Arsenic presents:
Cal Carson
Harald Hellström
Joel Magnusson
Mainio Ormio
Oscar Weary
Lauri Kivari
Antti Leikas
Chase Mohrman

Shot and cut: Oliver Hoblitzelle

Thank you to the clubhouse, Janne Saarinen, Anttu Oikkonen, Jussi Pallaskivi, all you can eat sushi, Paddy Flanagan, Sanch, Charlie Gnoza, and Hesburger mayonnaise.

Gran Masta Session 22

by OHoblitzelle
Mar 2023 - 2K views

Stunt men: Oscar Weary, Paddy Flanagan, Eirik Moberg, Joona Kangas, Harald Hellstrom, Till Matti, Gilles Tinguely, Yohan Lovey, Jaques Summermatter, Mainio Ormio, and Sampo Vallotton.

Video by Oliver Hoblitzelle

Thanks to Marcel Bruenisholz, and GMP parks.

The Gran Masta Park Spring Session for 2023 will take place from March 18th through April 4th!

Top Rated Videos by OHoblitzelle

K2 @ PC

by OHoblitzelle
Feb 2016 - 14.6K views

K2 skiers Andy Partridge, Colby Stevenson, and Dylan Sondrup at Park City. More K2 cuts coming soon.
Shot & Cut: Oliver Hoblitzelle
Additional Filming: Wyatt Kadwit

Shift park segment

by OHoblitzelle
Oct 2015 - 16.1K views

Shift is a short ski film produced by Peter Vanderwilden and myself. We will be releasing it on friday of this week. This is a park segment that I made with intent of putting it in the movie but decided to drop it separately to keep the movie entirely Backcountry and Urban. This segment features skiing from Dylan Sondrup, Colby Stevenson, Andy Partridge, Keegan Kilbride, Jay Wilder, Tim Ryan, Riley McDonough, Jake Doan and Quinn Wolferman. Look for the full movie later this week.


by OHoblitzelle
Nov 2018 - 7.8K views

2017/2018 ski video featuring Andy Partridge, Ian King, Dylan Sondrup, Jake Mageau, Forster Meeks, Paddy Flanagan, Thomas Woodley, Chase Mohrman and Christian Franchino.

Filmed by Oliver Hoblitzelle
Edited by Oliver Hoblitzelle & Sanch

Thank you to everyone who helped make this video possible especially Paul @ Tall T Productions.