Latest Videos by N.L.

Best Trick

by N.L.
Feb 2015 - 2.2K views

ronnie bet me i couldnt... its been subzero for a while now, and the cabin fever set in, re editing old footy, cant believe this is from two seasons ago.

Smooth Moves

by N.L.
Dec 2014 - 869 views

Friends over at Knifeshow put these sun bleached shots together for me! neri snowboarded follow cam with no glider ;)

Top Rated Videos by N.L.

Best Trick

by N.L.
Feb 2015 - 2.2K views

ronnie bet me i couldnt... its been subzero for a while now, and the cabin fever set in, re editing old footy, cant believe this is from two seasons ago.

Secret of the Ooze II

by N.L.
Mar 2012 - 1.3K views

Cody, NL, and Kaily bring the ooze to keystone. After a traumatic thanksgiving injury Im back to jibbing with friends, no jumping allowed still, so Im focusing on pushing jib skiing in different directions.