Latest Videos by Momentum

Session 3 2023, Momentum Camps

by Momentum
Jul 2023 - 411 views

Session 3 was a banger week full of sunshine and countless camper firsts! The big mountain program kicked off and our groups learned about avalanche safety while skiing corn snow lines. Our coaches were firing on all cylinders and the vibes were high!

Filmed by Ty Urlich, Noah Lara, Joey Kraft

Session 2 2023, Momentum Camps

by Momentum
Jul 2023 - 450 views

Session 2 Family week went off! We had an amazing group of parents and kids join us on the glacier to hone their freestyle skiing and snowboarding skills.

Filmed by Ty Urlich, Noah Lara, Joey Kraft

Session 5 2022, Momentum Camps

by Momentum
Jul 2022 - 2.4K views

After five weeks of paradise on snow, camp wrapped up with an unbelievable week of sunshine. With our terrain looking better than ever, the coaches and pros went all out to shut things down.

As much as we didn't want camp to end, we can look back at an incredible summer back up on the Blackcomb glacier. We already can't wait for next year!

Thank you to everyone who made this the best summer yet ☀️🌴

Filming: Borja Azurmendi, Joey Kraft, Sean Pinder and Sebastien Berthiaume

Berkley Brown
Troy Tully
Elliot Vaillancourt
Daniel Tanner
Mikael Kingsbury
Brenden Kelly
Julien Viel
James Woods
Fabian Bosch
Finn Finestone
Lukas Muellauer
Kai Smart
Brin Alexander
Etienne Geoffroy
Megan Oldham
Ferdinand Dahl
Darrah Reid-McLean
Zak Mousseau

Top Rated Videos by Momentum

Momentum Session 3 // 2015

by Momentum
Jul 2015 - 4.4K views

Our busiest week of the summer with a stacked line-up of coaches! This session saw sunny days, and several smokey days as a result of the forest fires surrounding the Whistler area. Nonetheless, as always, way too much fun was had!