Latest Videos by MartinMarmenlind

New ski game update.

by MartinMarmenlind
Apr 2020 - 9.2K views

I posted some clips a while ago of a game I had started working on so I thought I should follow it up with a update of how it is turning out.

A lot have happened since my last update, I got some feedback from some of you and I have tried to fix some of the problems that the game had. First off I have remade the character model and set it up a new skeleton, this is why the character is stuck in one pose and does not have any animations in the video. I got a lot of positive feedback for the in air movement with the ability to select if you want to rotate with flips, cork/bio or flatspins so this has been untouched. The only change to the in air movement is that the character will keep the rotation that you set and the rotation will decrease over time. A lot of people thought that the game felt and looked too slow so I have remade the movement from scratch with the ability to make faster turns and to have a overall higher speed. I have also added some wind effects(speed depending) to the characters jacket in order to get the look of some fast skiing. As requested I have made it so that the jump height is now determined of how long you hold the jump button with 3 different jump hights. The rail mechanic was really rought, the character where not locking on consistantly and would sometimes clip through the rail. This have been adjusted but there is still some stuff to do with the railing but it is so much better now. I have added a clothing system so you can choose your outfit and gear, I have made some simple clothes to test it out with. The clothing system is implemented in the new menu which works with controllers. The menu might not be pretty but everything is working as it should. There is two new maps, the first is a classic park and the second one is a urban map. I gotta say I really like how they turned out even tho they are not completly done yet. I have also adda a snow effect(speed depending) for when skiing and one for the landing impact, they look okey but need some tweaking. Finally, if you dont land good enough the character will go into a ragdoll mode for a few seconds to simulate a crash.

The next step is to start animating, with the goal to make the animations look way smoother that before. I will post a new video once it is done and I will try to get a proper recording software so the quality of the video dont have to be as bad as this one.
Finally, I still dont have a name for the game so if you have any suggestions please let me know.

New map

by MartinMarmenlind
Oct 2018 - 539 views

This week I have been working on some new maps. Here is some gameplay from a map that is inspired by the Sochi olympic slopestyle course.

NewSkiGame - Update

by MartinMarmenlind
Aug 2018 - 787 views

I have added so you can do handdrags, shiftys, nollies, tail- and nosebonks. I have also added more grabs to the game. Here is a short video showing how some of it turned out. If you have some ideas for the game please let me now.
PS Stil need a name for the game so any suggestions are appreciated.

Top Rated Videos by MartinMarmenlind

New ski game update.

by MartinMarmenlind
Apr 2020 - 9.2K views

I posted some clips a while ago of a game I had started working on so I thought I should follow it up with a update of how it is turning out.

A lot have happened since my last update, I got some feedback from some of you and I have tried to fix some of the problems that the game had. First off I have remade the character model and set it up a new skeleton, this is why the character is stuck in one pose and does not have any animations in the video. I got a lot of positive feedback for the in air movement with the ability to select if you want to rotate with flips, cork/bio or flatspins so this has been untouched. The only change to the in air movement is that the character will keep the rotation that you set and the rotation will decrease over time. A lot of people thought that the game felt and looked too slow so I have remade the movement from scratch with the ability to make faster turns and to have a overall higher speed. I have also added some wind effects(speed depending) to the characters jacket in order to get the look of some fast skiing. As requested I have made it so that the jump height is now determined of how long you hold the jump button with 3 different jump hights. The rail mechanic was really rought, the character where not locking on consistantly and would sometimes clip through the rail. This have been adjusted but there is still some stuff to do with the railing but it is so much better now. I have added a clothing system so you can choose your outfit and gear, I have made some simple clothes to test it out with. The clothing system is implemented in the new menu which works with controllers. The menu might not be pretty but everything is working as it should. There is two new maps, the first is a classic park and the second one is a urban map. I gotta say I really like how they turned out even tho they are not completly done yet. I have also adda a snow effect(speed depending) for when skiing and one for the landing impact, they look okey but need some tweaking. Finally, if you dont land good enough the character will go into a ragdoll mode for a few seconds to simulate a crash.

The next step is to start animating, with the goal to make the animations look way smoother that before. I will post a new video once it is done and I will try to get a proper recording software so the quality of the video dont have to be as bad as this one.
Finally, I still dont have a name for the game so if you have any suggestions please let me know.

My ski game

by MartinMarmenlind
May 2018 - 8.2K views

Some random clips i captured from todays testing.
I have been working on this for a while, nothing too serious. The aim of the game is to make a ski game, totaly park oriented, where you can do all the different cork-, bio- and flatrotations and not just only a flip with a spin.

I am studying a master in engineering and thought it would be fun to apply the programing I have learnt and make my own ski game. Since I have only studied programing and no animating nor 3D-modeling I know that the character looks super stiff and that the grabs are far from perfect and that some of the 3D-models are really low poly (except the ones I bought). Hope you like it anyway.