Latest Videos by MUTEDLTD.

Hunter Sherwood // Woodward Tahoe

Aug 2019 - 1.2K views

Hunter put in many hours this summer coaching out at Woodward Tahoe, but left a little time for himself to stack some clips. Check out what he’s been up to.

Rider: Hunter Sherwood @the_skiing_asian
Filmer: Zach Pfeiffer @patagucciplug

Song: No Going Back by Yuno

Byerly Spring Break // Steamboat, CO

Jul 2019 - 1.6K views

Kept this one light - a few cruiser runs with Matt Byerly at Steamboat this spring. Somehow we stumbled upon the passholders HotDog Party. Thanks for the leis, Steamboat!

Song - 7th Element by Vitas
Rider - Matt Byerly // @mattbyerly

Tweak // TAFT Re-Cap

May 2019 - 1.1K views

Tell A Friend Tour is one of the most beloved events in skiing each year, traveling to your local hills, making friends and memories through pizza and terrain parks. We’re lucky to be able to see it through the eyes of Tweak this year. Here’s a re-cap of some of the stops, including Seven Springs, PA, Cannon Mountain, NH, Ski Sundown, CT, Waterville Valley, NH, Sugarbush, VT, Killington, VT, & Boston Mills Brandywine, OH.

Always a big thanks from every one of us to Andy Parry continuing to make TAFT thrive year after year.

Filming: Erik Olson / @eolsonski
Riding: Kevin Merchant aka Tweak / @tweakski

Utah LW Gathering // Brighton, UT

Apr 2019 - 1.4K views

It’s been a busy season for us and we wanted to create an opportunity for some spring skiing in Utah before summer arrives. Luckily, Brighton Resort delivered great conditions. Maxed with good company and a few special angles, we made a long weekend work in our favor to snag a few shots with our crew & friends. Big thanks to the guys for makin the trip and spending some time.

Next up for the gang is summer at Mt Hood.
Thanks for watching
- your friends at Muted Ltd.

Zach Pfeiffer - @patagucciplug
Nick Westland - @nictoriousss
Kyle Brower - @brotherbrower
Walker Halterman - @walker_halterman

Top Rated Videos by MUTEDLTD.

Pfeiff n Frens // Chill @ Mt. Hood

Nov 2018 - 810 views

Ok so its no question that a ton of edits came from hood over the summer, and they'll keep flowin like water. But we wanted to drop just a few more before the season starts heating up from mountain to mountain. Patagucciplug n his crew slid through and cooked up another hit edit from the summer, these guys never run outta clips. Keep 'em comin!

Zach Pfeiffer aka @Patagucciplug
Skye Brennen aka @Skyecassidy.b
Nick Westland aka @Nictoriousss

Song Artist: @_Keeskees_

Tweak // Mt. Hood Summer 2018

Oct 2018 - 1.6K views

Tweak spent the summer hanging out at Windells and brought some goodies home for everyone.
Check out a quick recap of his summer and share some hype.

Kevin Merchant aka @Tweakski
Song: Andre Nickatina - Break Bread
Filmers: Owen Dahlberg // Alex Havey

Utah LW Gathering // Brighton, UT

Apr 2019 - 1.4K views

It’s been a busy season for us and we wanted to create an opportunity for some spring skiing in Utah before summer arrives. Luckily, Brighton Resort delivered great conditions. Maxed with good company and a few special angles, we made a long weekend work in our favor to snag a few shots with our crew & friends. Big thanks to the guys for makin the trip and spending some time.

Next up for the gang is summer at Mt Hood.
Thanks for watching
- your friends at Muted Ltd.

Zach Pfeiffer - @patagucciplug
Nick Westland - @nictoriousss
Kyle Brower - @brotherbrower
Walker Halterman - @walker_halterman

Byerly Spring Break // Steamboat, CO

Jul 2019 - 1.6K views

Kept this one light - a few cruiser runs with Matt Byerly at Steamboat this spring. Somehow we stumbled upon the passholders HotDog Party. Thanks for the leis, Steamboat!

Song - 7th Element by Vitas
Rider - Matt Byerly // @mattbyerly