Latest Videos by Lskier_

Summer begins

by Lskier_
Apr 2016 - 1K views

Didnt get out a whole lot this season to film or ski but i decided to take out my camera last weekend and shoot around with my friends.


by Lskier_
Dec 2015 - 740 views

threw this little edit together before the season with some film from last year. feels

Top Rated Videos by Lskier_

The Natural Goodness of Maine

by Lskier_
Aug 2015 - 63 views

who wants free skis or outerwear when you can have chocolate milk and eggnog?? threw this sponsor video together back in the preseason and just dug it out now. shout out to oakhurst for quenching our thirst throughout the season. enjoy


by Lskier_
Dec 2015 - 740 views

threw this little edit together before the season with some film from last year. feels