Latest Videos by LamSobinsky

Top Rated Videos by LamSobinsky

Sam Lobinsky // Home

by LamSobinsky
Apr 2020 - 5.3K views

Short, sweet, and to the point. Thank you ON3P, Pinewski's, and Colab for the support. Thank you to all the homies who filmed and supplied the good vibes.

Please enjoy with headphones.

Thank you!


Reflection // Sam Lobinsky

by LamSobinsky
May 2019 - 5.4K views

The title says it all. This is a reflection of my 2018-2019 season. Thank you ON3P, Pinewskis, and Colab for supporting me. Thank you to Trollhaugen and all my friends that keep me progressing and skiing. Finally, thank you to all the people who filmed me doing stunts. Plug your headphones in and enjoy!

Switch Cork 540 Tutorial

by LamSobinsky
Nov 2020 - 6.6K views

This video is to teach skiers how to go about learning a switch cork 540 on skis.

Let me know if you liked the video and other tricks you would like to see broken down for beginners.