Latest Videos by KellyK

Afton Shredit

by KellyK
Jan 2011 - 3.2K views

One night of hiking some real fun rails. Skiers include Jake Blair, Lucas Arneson, and Alex Bernish. They did hot tricks! Enjoy

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Go Skateboarding Day!

by KellyK
Jun 2009 - 8.7K views

Neighborhood Skatepark
Warrens, WI

It was a pretty solid competition with kids throwing down all morning. Thanks to some rain we moved to the parking garage for an intense game of skate between judges Justin Adams and Cole Frahm. We then finished with the competition and had ourselves a best trick jam on the crescent box.

Overall winner as well as the winner of Best Trick for the day was:

Ryan Hall


by KellyK
Jun 2010 - 5.1K views

SUMMER SCHOOL is the story of shredders across the Midwest taking full advantage of their opportunity to learn the art of gettin crazy. This series intends to travel to the reaches of the twin cities, duluth, central wisconsin, and who knows where else.

Numba 1 takes place at the epicenter of Jellystone Park, Warrens, Wi, at the Neighborhood Skatepark. Home to the craziness of the Wisconsin-Flyers (wi-fly) stunt team comprised of Cole Frahm, Duncan Peterson, Brian Williams, Dylan Burkhalter, and many others. Enjoy the footage shot in and around the skatepark over Memorial Day Weekend, 2010.