Latest Videos by IMPfilmsTV

Coors Light Challenge - Antoine Senay-Latendresse & Thomas Fontaine

by IMPfilmsTV
Mar 2012 - 779 views

Vidéo par Thomas Fontaine mettant en vedette Antoine Senay-Latendresse qui performa malgré des blessures aux deux tibias. L'histoire le met en scene dans un contexte de médicaments aidant au performance en ski. Voyez comment cela dérape... - Video by Thomas Fontaine with the riding from Antoine Senay-Latendresse who's injured at his two legs. The story takes place with a fictional character that wants to pregress quickier so he takes medication to help him but this will get him to an stage he should not have... - Music is Parachute by Reid Willis (

IMP SE 4 - Yea, an edit with two songs..

by IMPfilmsTV
Feb 2012 - 1.6K views

This is the IMP Sunday Edit 4 - Yea , two song in one edit I didn't find a name so I decided to call it like that... Skiers: Vincent Cousineau, Eric Chenard, Antoine Senay-Latendresse, Emmanuel Depault Camera : Frederic Pansini Editing: Antoine Senay-Latendresse Thanks to everyone who suuport us ! Big thanks to Thomas Klaassen Aka. REDSKY for the camera!

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IMP SE 4 - Yea, an edit with two songs..

by IMPfilmsTV
Feb 2012 - 1.6K views

This is the IMP Sunday Edit 4 - Yea , two song in one edit I didn't find a name so I decided to call it like that... Skiers: Vincent Cousineau, Eric Chenard, Antoine Senay-Latendresse, Emmanuel Depault Camera : Frederic Pansini Editing: Antoine Senay-Latendresse Thanks to everyone who suuport us ! Big thanks to Thomas Klaassen Aka. REDSKY for the camera!


by IMPfilmsTV
Dec 2011 - 829 views

This winter IMP will present you some edit during all the season. This is the first one, filmed on a sunny sunday in the preseason park at . Not a very serious and artistic video, filmed by the rider. Rider in order of appearance: Vincent Cousineau , Vincent Lambert, Antoine Senay-Latendresse, Eric Chenard, Nicholas Chenard. Shot with a Canon 7D rokinon fisheye lens 8mm f/3.5 Cut with FCP 7 Song: The 58's - Outta My Mind Thanks for watching ! Hope you enjoyed ! FACEBOOK: