video 0 Share Senior week by Getpoolside May 2012 - 937 views Yea yea yea i ripped of compton. what else was i going to call it?
video 11 Share Craziest flip shit ever by Getpoolside May 2010 - 3.9K views Crazy asians flipping and sitting all over the place
video 6 Share Mount snow few laps by Getpoolside Mar 2010 - 7.8K views Few shots from 3 laps or so from 2 days
video 4 Share Fun day at Stratton by Getpoolside Feb 2009 - 7.1K views One day (plus one shot from last week) at stratton. just having fun, nothing special
video 6 Share Mount snow few laps by Getpoolside Mar 2010 - 7.8K views Few shots from 3 laps or so from 2 days
video 11 Share Craziest flip shit ever by Getpoolside May 2010 - 3.9K views Crazy asians flipping and sitting all over the place
video 4 Share Fun day at Stratton by Getpoolside Feb 2009 - 7.1K views One day (plus one shot from last week) at stratton. just having fun, nothing special
video 3 Share Jon lafferty-P.I.G. by Getpoolside Jun 2007 - 5.5K views Sooo funny, i don't know if this is a repost