Latest Videos by EliasH

Freeskiing and filming all alone in the mountains: #Selfie 3 " Taking a run for it"

by EliasH
Oct 23rd - 304 views

The third selfie short film takes us to the feeling you sometimes get at the end of the season. When it feels like there hasn't been enough riding, and the only way to make up for it, is to hunt down the last pieces of snow that's quickly melting away. This is again a solo production, where everything is done by me, alone in the mountains around my home, outside Tromsø.


by EliasH
Dec 2022 - 485 views

A one man project, that revolves arounds placing the stationary camera in the right spot. Then start the camera and run up and ski down and turn the camera
on/off. A way to express my self artistically with no one else around.

Top Rated Videos by EliasH


by EliasH
Dec 2022 - 485 views

A one man project, that revolves arounds placing the stationary camera in the right spot. Then start the camera and run up and ski down and turn the camera
on/off. A way to express my self artistically with no one else around.