Latest Videos by DeSena

William DeSena's Reel 10-11

by DeSena
Nov 2011 - 910 views

Here is a video portraying my work over the 2011 year... I am a twenty-year old cinematographer who lives in Boulder, Colorado but is originally from Cape Elizabeth, Maine. Please play in HD. Enjoy.


by DeSena
Jan 2011 - 2.9K views

On December 16th, the DeSena/Blue family embarked on a two week journey through various parts of Argentina and Patagonia.

This is a short film I created consisting of miniature edits linked together of our trip.

If you are to watch it, I would appreciate if you watched the whole thing... I put some time into it and would like some good feed back... Thanks

Top Rated Videos by DeSena

William DeSena's Reel 10-11

by DeSena
Nov 2011 - 910 views

Here is a video portraying my work over the 2011 year... I am a twenty-year old cinematographer who lives in Boulder, Colorado but is originally from Cape Elizabeth, Maine. Please play in HD. Enjoy.

The Wood Grain Edit.

by DeSena
Dec 2009 - 10.8K views

Revive Media lifts off their season a bit on the late side. Gathering a couple shots from early jibbing at Sunday River, we present the Wood Grain Edit. Enjoy. Feel Good. Revive Media 09.10