Buy/Sell/Trade Posts

Selling: 188 4FRNT Inthaynes (117 width) 2025 Brand New In Plastic

By DanParisi

Last updated - $400

MSRP $789, Asking $400 - still in plastic brand new. SLC local pickup or buyer pays shipping Product Description: The InThayne is a powder hungry, freeride ski designed by the one and only freeski...

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Buying: Used ct2.0/ arv106 / Kartel 106

By DanParisi

Rochester, New Hampshire, United States
Posted - $1 - $500

I’m looking for a used 178 Candid2.0, 180 Armada Arv106, or 180 ON3P Kartel 106, or a similar ski well rounded for park and all mountain on east coast. Message me for details