Latest Videos by Dan-Man

DREAMLAND (March 05th & 06th 2022)

by Dan-Man
Apr 2022 - 420 views

Skiing Big Sleazy, Jah Drop, North Ave., & Shoshone in that order, on easily the deepest weekend of 2022.Skiing the LINE Sir Francis Bacon with Cast Touring ...

#line #lineskis #sirfrancisbacon #Colorado #Pow #gopro #hero8 #sidecountry #pillows #winter #snow

P-HO pow day (GoPro) Riding LINE OPUS

by Dan-Man
Jan 2021 - 600 views

Some of the finest tree skiing south of Steamboat Springs.

Thoroughly enjoying the 2013 185cm masterpiece known as the LINE OPUS. Designed by Mr. Eric Pollard to rip these kind of conditions! My old GoPro didn't record a couple of linesI skied, so I'll have to do this again next storm cycle!!

Top Rated Videos by Dan-Man

***STREET 2020 (real ski) Dan Armbruster SKI****

by Dan-Man
Apr 2020 - 1.1K views

Ski & skate footage from 2019 & 2020.

Filmed by:
Howie Bennett
Tom Leong
Ian Walker
Zach Pavel
Lindon Mercer
Shea Nickel

I would of liked to work on this project more, but my computer crashed and this was my best backup. It was fun to get back in those cold streets with the boys.