Latest Videos by ChildLabor

All in Good Time

by ChildLabor
Nov 2023 - 2.8K views

Our 5th consecutive street skiing film.

Supported by: Vishnu, Line, Smoke Proper, Arsenic Anywhere

Edited by Garrett Whaley

Blake Rolfing
Garrett Whaley
Sam Gnoza
Zach Sturtevant
Thomas Stone
Bennie Osnow
Seamus Flanagan
Cal Carson
Andrew Egan
Dakota Connole
Joe Fusare
Ben Marmer

Why not?

by ChildLabor
Nov 2022 - 3.3K views

The fourth full length street skiing video by Child Labor. Thank you friends, family, and skiing.

Edited by Garrett Whaley

Featuring (in no specific order):
Andrew Egan
Bennie Osnow
Cal Carson
Garrett Whaley
Sam Gnoza
Blake Rolfing
Thomas Stone
Dakota Connole
Seamus Flanagan
Zach Sturtevant
Joe Fusare
Ben Marmer
Aj Lefebvre
Antoine Poirier
Ty Ulrich

Supported by:
Vishnu skis
Line skis
Smoke Proper

Child Labor's "DON'T FRET"

by ChildLabor
Nov 2020 - 6.4K views

Child Labor presents, Don't Fret. This is our second street video. We hope you like it. Skiers: Andrew Egan, Garrett Whaley, Bennie Osnow, Thomas Stone,
Blake Rolfing, Dakota Connole, Zach Sturtevant, Cal Carson and friends.

Filmed by Garrett Whaley and Zach Sturtevant on HVX200a
Edited by Garrett Whaley

"Don't Fret" TEASER

by ChildLabor
Aug 2020 - 1.2K views

This is the teaser for our second street film "Don't Fret"

The full video will feature: Dakota Connole, Cal Carson, Garrett Whaley, Blake Rolfing, Andrew Egan, Zach Sturtevant, Bennie Osnow, Thomas Stone, and friends.

Filmed and edited by Garrett Whaley

Top Rated Videos by ChildLabor

Child Labor presents, "THE STRIKE"

by ChildLabor
Oct 2019 - 6.4K views

Our street movie from the 2018/19 season. Filmed w/ HVX200a
Featuring, in order of appearance: Dakota Connole, Garrett Whaley, Andrew Egan, Andy Hoblitzelle, Zach Sturtevant, Patrick Ring, Joe Fusare, Thomas Stone, Sam Gnoza, Ryan Funke, Blake Rolfing, Cal Carson

Filmed and Edited by: Garrett Whaley and Patrick Ring

Child Labor's "DON'T FRET"

by ChildLabor
Nov 2020 - 6.4K views

Child Labor presents, Don't Fret. This is our second street video. We hope you like it. Skiers: Andrew Egan, Garrett Whaley, Bennie Osnow, Thomas Stone,
Blake Rolfing, Dakota Connole, Zach Sturtevant, Cal Carson and friends.

Filmed by Garrett Whaley and Zach Sturtevant on HVX200a
Edited by Garrett Whaley

Why not?

by ChildLabor
Nov 2022 - 3.3K views

The fourth full length street skiing video by Child Labor. Thank you friends, family, and skiing.

Edited by Garrett Whaley

Featuring (in no specific order):
Andrew Egan
Bennie Osnow
Cal Carson
Garrett Whaley
Sam Gnoza
Blake Rolfing
Thomas Stone
Dakota Connole
Seamus Flanagan
Zach Sturtevant
Joe Fusare
Ben Marmer
Aj Lefebvre
Antoine Poirier
Ty Ulrich

Supported by:
Vishnu skis
Line skis
Smoke Proper