Latest Videos by .hazen.

Winter Spring: A Super 8mm Film Compilation

by .hazen.
Aug 2013 - 971 views

WARNING: Very little skiing in this video. During the winter of 2012 I purchased a wind-up Super 8mm film camera at a thrift store in Reno and ordered a few rolls of Kodak Ektachrome 100D film from the internet. Shot over the course of the winter and spring during my travels with Erinna and set to Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros' "Om Nashi Me", this footage is mostly lifestyle and travel footage. I will release another short video with footage intended to be used with JANKYfilms' "Bad Season" ( series soon.

Interlodged: Fall in SL,UT

by .hazen.
Dec 2009 - 6.5K views

Fall in the SL,UTtiest place on earth! Interlodged will chronicle the 09/10 season from JANKY's Little Cottonwood Canyon base of operations. Songs: Miike Snow - Song for No One, Atlas Sound - Walkabout ft. Noah Lennox

Salty Days from JANKYfilms FULL MOVIE!

by .hazen.
Nov 2009 - 9.5K views

This is the story of our o8-o9 season in all its glory. A little bit of everything - some pow, big mountain, bc bootahs and of course park slayage. Total run time: 33 minutes including the ending credits. Thanks for all the support NS, see you next season bigger and better

A-Footy from JANKYfilms

by .hazen.
Oct 2009 - 5.2K views

The Crash seggy from SALTY DAYS! Starring your favorite JANKY athletes failing hard. Scope SALTY DAYS fo' free on Halloween here on NS and on the new

Top Rated Videos by .hazen.

JANKYfilms at HOOD!

by .hazen.
May 2009 - 4.5K views

The BALLSACK Edit with Greg Salonen, Hazen Woolson, Keenan Hawkins, Nick Marsland, Tim Kelliher, Justin Wright. Introducing Mitch Scolaro, Seth Dobson, Walker Brown and Reed Lewis


by .hazen.
Jul 2009 - 4.4K views

The JANKYfilms super gnarly brobras got busy on some mini-jibbing during a few weeks of bad weather. THE BRAS: Seth Dobson, Keenan Hawkins, Austin Hawkins, Greg Salonen, Andrew Tarca, Hazen Woolson, Creighton, Mike Mindala, Caleb Mayerson, Brett. BROOOO!!!!

SALTY DAYS JANKYfilms 2009 Teaser - Alta Utah

by .hazen.
Apr 2009 - 10.5K views

We at JANKYfilms made the move out west to Alta Utah this year, bringing as much of the posse with us and leaving a solid crew back east to kill it at Mount Snow. We managed to see 677" of Utah blower fall with the cameras rolling, not to mention occasional stops at Brighton, Park City, Snowbird and Colorado, with back-country action in Grizzly Gulch and beyond. Stay tuned here because our season's not over: Next stop Colorado and HOOOOOD

Check out JP Schlick's videos for JANKYfilms' east coast updates ::