is there any tricks you just cant stop watching because of how satisfying it is
for me its Henrik Harlauts griselda flip
and any rodeo/flat 5 japan grab and cork 7 blunt
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Jemsthose hand drag rail slides welf does
BlueVillainLip 2 to sw
BLandzIm surprised that people even call it the Griselda flip considering the fact that some random kid did one in 2015 on a way smaller jump. How do trick names work idek, like is it the guy who invented the trick supposed to name it or the first popular guy to land the trick.
Homie did this in 2015 and its on second page of top videos all time. As far as this thread goes I don’t think its a timeless trick. I think its dope to see them here and there but if they became common like c7 blunt I would get sick of them for sure.
**This post was edited on Jul 16th 2021 at 7:57:29am
weastcoastA proper capped nosegrab while sliding a rail, to sw.
nollie 2s on.
1p1s and 1p3.
asparagusFlippy cork 5 blunt and carved 5 with lead blunt
gilbertresselAlso, barely a trick, but wheelies in deep snow are just so ridiculously fun.
disappointmettThe only trick ever, lip on blind 2
Young_pattyGonna have to be a lazy boy cork 3 for me. They’re so mellow and fun to do.
coronaI'm a big fan of just naming tricks for what they are using the base names. So it's a nosebutter to switch frontflip. Doesn't roll off the tongue but makes so much more sense to me and is actually descriptive. Like when naming a species make the species epithet actually descriptive.
Also I dunno why you'd want to name anything after a total scumbag human being who had nothing to do with skiing.
SofaKingSickdude no exaggeration when i learned cork 3s i did only them for a week straight. just over and over, slower and slower, they looked dope as fuck but my friends thought i'd lost my mind