First Drop Design Contest

The contest is Closed. Check out the contestants and winners.


-Go to the First Drop website and download the PDF that contains all of the design templates for each product, or download them individually.
-Make sure you use illustrator or photoshop to create (original) designs, at 150 dpi at full scale.
-You may enter this contest with as many different designs as you want.
-Depending on what is both physically and financially feasible from a production standpoint, only certain aspects of the winning designs may be used.
-First Drop will have full legal rights to all designs (partial or whole) submitted as part of this contest, and will also have the right to use any design that is submitted, and all submissions are the property of First Drop. In the event that designs from outside of the top 3 are used in the future, the designers will receive prototypes of the gear they design as well as accessory prize packs.


-The 1st place winner will receive a First Drop suit of their choice, along with a large accessory prize pack, and a prototype of the gear they design.
-The 2nd place winner will receive a First Drop jacket of their choice, a small accessory prize pack, and and a prototype of the gear they design.
-And the 3rd place winner will receive a large First Drop accessory prize pack and and a prototype of the gear they design.