VOILA zomgz sweet jacket dude! (sympathy presents like whoa) well for a bit i was quite stoked on dis here jacket i mean who wouldnt you get to look like ski super star simon dumont circa 07 xgay-mes!!! well anyways time goes on and my stokedness decreases because my monetary funds are decreasing at an alarming rate and who wearz white after labor day anywayz i mean srsly.
contrary to popular belief this jacket does much more then make you instantly good at skiing it has many secret skillz oakley had harry potter put its magic on to pass on to you!

as you can see from this picture it makes you look insta-sexy and quite gangsta if i do say so myself!

as you can see from this beautiful picture of my roomate this jacket makes you a super good online halo player too! (note the trademarked gameface!)

if you tilt your head and squint your eyes you can see how this picture illustrates its antigravity and super human strength as i'm standing on the celing of my dorm lifting up my futon.

you can create magic time vortexes and go back in time (sorry i left my camera behind)

aaaand this is what it looks like in space.
the models the oakley distractions jacket in ozone colorz size extra large.
pm me with questions and offers kthxbai!