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Turning a backflip into a rodeo??
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
Alright i have backflips down real well now i want to move on to rodeos but i have no idea how to go about it... any suggestions?
Posts: 1663
Karma: 3
i recommend doing a rodeo
Posts: 1018
Karma: 158
yea do a rodeo and just maybe you might do one
Posts: 9304
Karma: 3,670
lincoln 180
or as one of my freinds says, think of doing a cork 7 and backflip at the same time
Posts: 61836
Karma: 125,514
Rodeo = lincolns bro. Do a lincoln, then do a 180 when you see your landing = rodeo. It might not sound like one, but it is, trust me. You might not actually do a lincoln 180 but when u try to do what i said, you do a rodeo.
Posts: 7404
Karma: 39
back flips have nothing in common with rodeos except the upside down part.
Posts: 4572
Karma: 936
jump and then do a backflip/spin motion. so ur basically throwing ur right arm over your head to the left and your left arm around your back to the right and spin with it.
Posts: 1663
Karma: 3
make sure to eat a lot, and then practice, if you fall you will fall onto your big ass belly
Posts: 10750
Karma: 7,995
it's a lot easier to turn a backflip into a flatspin.
Posts: 7038
Karma: 639
yeah do a flatspin. rodeos arent anything like backflips
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
ok, well how do i go about that?
Posts: 9304
Karma: 3,670
i do them like this
take your arm and go diagonaly up with it and look at the sky and the landing should come arouynd
Posts: 336
Karma: 13
I start with my hands to my sides, then pop off the lip, throwing my right shoulder and arm up and across my body to my left. It feels a lot different than throwing a backflip... at least to me it feels waaay flatter because you're not completely overhead on-axis the way you are with a backflip. It's hard to describe but the rotation feels really similar to throwing a misty on a diving board... just instead of pushing down with your shoulder you throw it up and spin.
Posts: 6680
Karma: 1,603
Rodeo and a backflip are COMEPLETELY different.
Posts: 1601
Karma: 86
rodeos just a spinning backflip just as a misty is a spinning front flip cept the flip is not perfectly vertical. act like ur throwing a misty but in reverse
Posts: 984
Karma: 250
i kind of disagree. i learned rodeos by trying to do a backflip downhill (that is, trying to do a 180 and then a backflip). that worked for me. try turning your hips off the jump and then doing a backflip downhill.
Posts: 268
Karma: 51
i think doing a rodeo would help
Posts: 3323
Karma: 578
yea i had no clue on my first one just sorta huck a leaned back lincon
Posts: 12
Karma: 10
Rodeo=Lincoln+spin and Flat spin=off axis backflip. I'd sugguest having very corked 5s or lincolns down before trying a rodeo. If you need help with a flatspin ask Pete Olenick.
Posts: 2929
Karma: 12
do a backflip, and about half way through the flip spin youre torso and it will make you do a 180, and then landit
Posts: 2032
Karma: 511
That would be a flair, rodeos have more of a forward momentum.
Go to your local diving board, preferably a three meter and learn everything there. Hit that up a bunch and before you know it, you body will have that air awareness it needs to do the tricks on snow. Most everything is muscle memory and repitition. Trampolines work too, but diving boards are more fun because they launch you like a big step-down and you learn to 'stomp' it real quick instead of body slapping on your side in the water.
Posts: 6072
Karma: 18
a lincoln 180 isnt a rodeo...a lincoln 180 would be either an underflip or an overflip how you throw it, its like a 180 barrel roll, its different
Posts: 197
Karma: 156
First off, Flat-spin, Rodeo, Underflip, Who cares? Just pick the one that seems most natural and try it out. Also, people have the names all mixed up and no matter what I call them, someone is going to say it's the wrong name. It could be debated all day long, but it's not worth my time. That being said, here's how I do a couple of these. If you have a trampoline or diving board, it is best to learn it there first.
Underflip (similar to a lincoln 180)- As you approach the lip, pop off your right foot while simultaneously throwing an uppercut with your right arm and reaching for a safety grab on your left ski. If you hold that position while looking over your left shoulder, the trick naturally completes itself. Just spot your landing and open up to stop your rotation.
Flatspin - I like to lean over on the right edges of both my skis while throwing my left elbow straight behind me and looking over my shoulder. Sometimes I'll carve up the jump to the left and then transition to my right edges right before I take off because it helps set my rotation. I also try to sit a little in the back seat to keep me from going bio. Once you're in the air, tuck it up and hold that position till you are back on axis. Flat 5's are the most natural for me.
Rodeo - Pop similar to a backflip but think about throwing your left elbow behind you and look over your shoulder. (It's almost like a chicken-out backflip) I also like to pop it a little to the right to take it a little more around the corner instead of just doing a backflip 180. This trick is somewhat similar to a flatspin but more inverted.
Anyway, hope that helps. Poppy jumps are easier to learn all three of these on. Good Luck. Late.
Posts: 8258
Karma: 214
think more lincoln than rodeo
Posts: 8258
Karma: 214
damnit i mean think more lincoln than backflip
Posts: 31125
Karma: 336
Keith, pull your cock outta your ass and just give'r you sissy.
Posts: 576
Karma: 135
lincons arn't rodeos go like a cork but huc way back
Posts: 118
Karma: 12
well, i can do 180's, now how do i take that to a cork 7?
Posts: 2904
Karma: 12
do a lincon. then do a sideways lincon and land switch.
Posts: 3398
Karma: 10
would you care to explain the difference between a lincoln and a barrel roll?
Posts: 6650
Karma: 1,645
just throw a backflip and drop your left shoulder
its that simple
Posts: 1788
Karma: 16
I actually learned lincolns on my trampoline off of backflips. If a backflip is a rotation around y=0 then just angle the rotation so that y = x or y = -x
anyway, the way I learned is I just took my backflip and before take off, I'd take my right arm and uppercut over to my left side. This would send my rotation 45 degrees off of the vertical axis, then before you land the 360 part of it, throw a 180 in there.
See! You do use math outside of high school!
Posts: 1498
Karma: 254
what i did was learn backflips. then, id do a backflip, spot my landing and do 180. so kinda like backflip late 180. then as you get more comfy with that, you start to spin the 180 earlier and earlier until i was doing a pretty flat rodeo, mighta been a flatspin. but ya i donno, the way olenick does em are a lot like a weird lincoln with slight spin. i guess it depends on how inverted or flat or whatever you want to do them. i recommend just trying em and after the first attempt you will be able to see how your body is gonna react. word
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
i have since learned them. thanks
Posts: 7768
Karma: 481
so true. IF you think of it at all like a backflip you'll end up doing flare probably
Posts: 57
Karma: 15
i rodeo is a linchon 180... and underflip is where u turn 90 degrees linchon backwards then turn 90 again to land... and a d spin like like what cheerleaders call a "back-full" doing a backflip with a spin
this all i kno... if its right ... im im bout for sure it is
Posts: 350
Karma: 11
yes and no, lincoln to a 180 but all in all, just kind of drop your shoulder sideways and forwards a little and it should come around.
do them on a trampoline first
Posts: 197
Karma: 156
HHMMM...D-spin is a bit different than a back full. Mike D actually developed them trying to learn a back full, if I remember correctly. D-spin is an inverted cork spin. Originally, a rodeo was more like a back 180 than a lincoln 180. (JP Auclair, JF Cusson...era) Now, more people are referring to the lincoln 180 than the tweaked out back 180 when they say rodeo. One other thing, an underflip rotates one way, the rodeo rotates the other. For instance, if I am loncolning to the left, an underflip will spin left, while a rodeo will spin right. Anyway, enough arguing about names, just go do whichever one feels good.
Posts: 4185
Karma: 20
yea actually it seems like you learned your rodeo in math
Posts: 1144
Karma: 58
and this makes sense how?
Posts: 8358
Karma: 1,674
trampoline!! i learn all my tricks there and then try on snow
Posts: 3819
Karma: 79
drop your trailing shoulder and look horizontal over your shoulder
Posts: 753
Karma: 26
i agree i lern everyhitng on my tramp then into the pool then bring it to the snow, i dont suggest trying into pow becsue u land sw and learning stuff landing sw in pow is harder then in the park
Posts: 3123
Karma: 231
you were so so on the money until you started talking about rodeos.
Posts: 1144
Karma: 58
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